A protected crop is a sure crop
A sure crop is a guaranteed profit
Professional greenhouses
Accessible prices
Metallic constructions
Accessible prices

Greenhouses for vegetables or flowers

Hobby greenhouses

Metallic constructions
Solarii profesionale AGROOZY
Suntem producatori de solarii pentru legume si flori din anul 2000, modelele noastre de solarii pe care le producem sunt adaptate cerintelor moderne, forma si marimile, inaltimea sunt executate conform cerintelor de productie, iar acestea sunt adaptate pentru legume si flori, arbusti precum goji, afine și chiar struguri sau căpșuni. Suntem producatori in continua evolutie, si ne dam tot timpul tot ce putem pentru a oferi servicii de inalta calitate.De aproape 20 de ani, ne testam...
Come and join us purchasing greenhouses, for purchase in comercial purpose or just family, purchasing untreated alive vegetables in helping your fellow ,you make your own bussines wich makes advantage for those who want to start a bussines in domain of vegetables or with flowers, shrubs ,various plants:(example: lavander, goji,gooseberry etc), we offer the greenhouse of 9m width, 40m lenght and 3,70 high completely with foil and dropwise irrigation at an unique price in Romania of 2250 euro.We build animal shelters, any kind of deposits, garages for tractors, agricultural machinery etc,awnings for bales of hay ,straw, etc,halls for various destinations at an very advantageous price.We follw quality of products so our clients to be pleased.